Winkworth Spain has outlined a number of reasons why the country is providing a great opportunity for property investors, citing a growing economy, deflated prices and increasing numbers of property loans as indicators that the market has a healthy future.

Bernard Vent, who runs Winkworth Spain, says: “2015 and 2016 is going to be the golden opportunity for Spanish property investors and speculators. There are still a lot of bank properties available and with mortgage rates below the euribor average, the market is prime.”

Although Spanish property prices are declining in some areas, there have been several price indeces recently suggesting that they are moving up in certain regions. Property loans in Spain were up almost 30% in the first quarter of 2015 and in the wider economy, there has been a downturn in unemployment figures, which have dropped over 13,000 in the first three months of the year, the best results in Spain since 2005.